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Alternate Programs

  • at Eighth Avenue Learning Centre

    Any adult learner who would like to graduate with a Dogwood Diploma can register with School District 70 to complete an Adult Dogwood Diploma. To receive an Adult Dogwood Diploma, a learner must be over the age of 18 and must complete either

    • English 12 or Communications 12,
    • a Math 11, and
    • three Grade 12 Electives.

    For non-graduated adults, courses required for high school graduation are fully funded by the Ministry of Education.

    Literacy and numeracy supports for adult learners are also available at the Eighth Avenue Learning Centre. Learners that do not live in Port Alberni can also access courses in an online format and may still qualify for graduation from a distance.

    For graduated adults, tuition charges may apply for learners that need to complete or upgrade a high-school course such as English 12, Biology 12 or Pre-Calculus 11.

    For all general inquiries, please call 250-723-3744.

  • at Eighth Avenue Learning Centre

    CHOICES is a Distributed Learning school located in the Eighth Avenue Learning Centre that provides self-paced, individualized instruction for students of all ages anywhere in the province. Blended learning opportunities are also available onsite, offering students the opportunity to work with your teacher one-on-one or in small groups. All courses provided by CHOICES follow BC Ministry of Education Learning Standards.

    Kindergarten to Grade 9: We provide full programs of study for students at these grade levels. When families meet with their teacher for the first time, a personalized, student learning plan is developed. The goal is to create a plan of action for the year that will meet the needs of the student.

    Grades 10-12: Students at the secondary level select specific courses from an extensive list of course options. ADSS and USS students may also take an additional course while maintaining a full course load at either school.

    Grade 10-12 Courses Available: Art 10-12, English 10-12, Communications 11 and 12, Family Studies 12, Foods and Nutrition 12, Geography 12, History 12, Grad Transitions 12, Apprenticeship and Workplace 10 and 11, Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10, Foundations of Math 11 and 12, Pre-Calculus 11 and 12, Physical Education 10-12, Planning 10 and 12, Science 10, Science and Tech 11, Earth Science 11, Social Studies 10 and 11, Physics 11, Biology 11 and 12 and Chemistry 11 and 12.

    For ADSS and USS students, please see your school counsellor. For all other inquiries please call 250-723-3744.

  • at Eighth Avenue Learning Centre

    Distributed learning is an instructional method that increases student choice, flexibility and access to study outside of traditional classroom schedules. It is a component of personalized learning, allowing learners to continue with coursework anytime and anywhere. This instructional method will grow and adapt with changing technology and student needs.

    Commonly abbreviated as "DL", it is also referred to as distance education and is the primary delivery method of SD70's CHOICES Distributed Learning program.

    For more information, please call 250-723-3744.

  • at Eighth Avenue Learning Centre

    The Vast Education Centre is an alternative to the traditional school model. Now located at the Eighth Avenue Learning Centre, the Vast Alternate program is a certified public school offering students the opportunity to complete B.C. curriculum in Grades 9 to 12.

    Vast operates on an individualized model with each student working on a course(s) in a self-paced, personalized format with assistance from qualified teachers. Art and Physical Education occur in the afternoons with a strong focus on academics and academic support in the mornings.

    There are Youth Care Workers, one-on-one instruction and enhanced supports present at Vast to ensure that students have every opportunity to achieve their goals.

    Please call 250-723-3744 for all inquiries.

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