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The Board of Education adopts Policies that communicate the Board’s values, beliefs, and expectations. One step in the development of a policy is the opportunity for members of the public to provide feedback on the document. This is done by way of a 30-day public consultation period, prior to the adoption or revision of any policy. 

Once a policy has been adopted by the Board of Education, the responsibility of administering, implementing, and monitoring these policies becomes the Superintendent's, using Administrative Procedures to do so. Administrative Procedures accompany Policy statements but are more specific in that they indicate who does what, how, when and in what order. They are approved, implemented, administered, and monitored by the Superintendent, and are not available to members of the public to provide feedback on. Should you want to see the details of how a policy is carried out, please find the corresponding Administrative Procedure.  

Please note we are currently working to review, update and create new Policies and Administrative Procedures. We greatly appreciate your patience as we move through this process and will continue to update the website with changes as documents are updated.

Pacific Rim School District Policies

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